Download Flash Player ActiveX Control

Please open this page in Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. This page will guide you to download the latest version of Flash Player ActiveX control.


  1. Click following link to download the Flash Player ActiveX control from Macromedia site:
  2. When you click the button "Install" on above page, it will automatically install the ActiveX Control into your Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

The installation process may take a little longer time if you are using low connection. Please be patient.


Ownership of and title to the above Software and all associated patents, copyrights, trade secrets and other proprietary rights remain with ©Macromedia, Inc. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by ©Macromedia, Inc.

Sothink ist das Markenzeichen von SourceTec Software Co., LTD.
Flash ist das Markenzeichen von Adobe.
Sothink Software: SWF Decompiler, DHTML Menü, Baum Menü, JavaScript Web Scroller, SWF Quicker, SWF Easy, Quicker für Silverlight, Logo Maker

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