Review and Testimonial of Sothink JavaScript Web Scroller Review new

Sothink JavaScript Web Scroller offers an incredibly easy-to-use solution to add to any website an Amazon-styled Web scroller. It's even funny to use and the results are amazing. Thumbs ups +++++ Read all>>


"By the way this is one COOL Application. Worth every penney that you are charging. Keep up the good work, so far I have not been disappointed in any of your applications".

--Alan Darty


"Anyway, I really am thankfull for your new software and being reminded with email that your wonderfull software is available to purchase. Let me add this: Yes it is one of the best to show visual information.Thank you very much for your reply and great service and support".

--Nick Akbari


"I purchased your sothink javascrip web scroller product today and just wanted to let you know how happy I am with it. it's absolutely as advertised, works great, and I was able to quickly create some stunning looking scrolling images with individual hyperlinks in no time. Super job - and a fabulous product. i'm going to be looking at your other items soon - but if they're anything like this, i'm really impressed".

--dave hehr


Your review will be highly appreciated. Welcome to send us your voice to Thanks in advance!

  • Über Sothink JavaScript Web Scroller

    Sothink Javascript Web Scroller ist ein robuster und einfacher Creator der horizontalen und vertikalen Scrollers. Es erstellt Bild Scroller, Nachrichten Scroller, ADS, Fälle, Bild Slide Shows, usw. in den Minuten ohne Javascripterfahrung. Es integriert gut mit Dreamweaver, FrontPage, Expression Web und GoLive.
  • Download JavaScript Web Scroller Order JavaScript Web Scroller


Produkt Info

Datei Größe: 18,1MB
Neueste Version: 2.3
Betriebssysteme: Windows 7/Vista/xp/2008/2003

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Sothink ist das Markenzeichen von SourceTec Software Co., LTD.
Flash ist das Markenzeichen von Adobe.
Sothink Software: SWF Decompiler, DHTML Menü, Baum Menü, JavaScript Web Scroller, SWF Quicker, SWF Easy, Quicker für Silverlight, Logo Maker

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